ELCHK, Ling Oi Centre


Founded in 1970 by Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission (FELM), ELCHK Ling Oi Centre was transferred to ELCHK-SS for administration in April, 2014. Initially we offered halfway houses to youngsters who have completed their drug treatment programme. In 1984, in responding to a group of people who wished to rebuild their lives through Christian teaching, we started our treatment centre in Tan Ka Wan, Sai Kung. We currently have 40 places and 34 places available in Tan Ka Wan Centre and our halfway house respectively.

Our Centre offers comprehensive rehabilitation service to male drug abusers, services include outreaching visits, meeting sessions, drug rehabilitation training, halfway houses community inclusion services, church referrals, family service and follow-up aftercare services. We have witnessed the Grace of our Father over the past; many young drug addicts were free from addiction and had turned a new leaf with the help of Jesus Christ.

Service Objectives
Our Centre offers comprehensive rehabilitation service to male drug abusers, services include outreaching visits, meeting sessions, drug rehabilitation training, halfway houses community inclusion services, church referrals, family service and follow-up aftercare services.

Target Groups
Male drug treatment patients

Services Overview

第一階段: 地點:西貢蛋家灣中心 斷癮靜思期 (1-3個月) 反省重建期 (4-6個月) 紮根訓練期 (7-9個月) 第二階段: 地點:中途宿舍 更新鞏固期 (10-12個月) 我們的服務介入包括:(第一及第二階段) 靈愛性培 個案輔導 治療小組 中醫診療 興趣發展 職業訓練 體格訓練 教會探訪 義工活動 家庭工作 第三階段 地點:社區 續顧康復期(完成12個月後) 我們的服務介入包括:(第三階段) 個人關顧 團契聚會 社關訓練

Membership Application

  • 每月膳宿費用$4,281(按社署金額調整),如有需要者可代為申請綜援
  • 入村行政費$500及按金$2000(完成12個月的戒毒程序後發還)
*時間:逢星期四晚 7:30 – 9:00 (因應登記人數或會延遲結束時間)
*地點: 請先聯絡相關靈愛職員

  1. 吸食毒品/危害精神毒品的男性。
  2. 自願入住並同意履行及遵守中心規則。
  3. 願意研讀聖經及對基督教信仰不抗拒。
  4. 驗身報告正常。
  5. 如18歲以下須得監護人同意。
Contact Information